Hi everyone! It's been a while. All of this moving and stuff has been very very busy.
Just an update. Brooke went to the doctor again on July 20th. She only gained 4 ounces! That brings her to 13 pounds, 13 ounces. She is truly are little peanut! I actually made the nurse weigh her twice to make sure. That brings Brooke to only the 5th percentile for weight. The doctor wasn't concerned though as since the last appointment Brooke has been crawling, pulling herself up, and climbing. The doc thinks that Brooke is probably just starting a new growth curve of her own. We will take her in to check her weight in about a month to make sure.
Other than that she is now 27 inches (75th percentile) & her head is now 16 3/4 inches (40th percentile). And everything is just perfect on the little peanut girl!
She also just started eating those Gerber fruit and veggie puffs and she loves them! She begs for more! Kevin & I call it her baby crack! But its something to add a few more calories as well.
That is the latest with baby Brooke ~ I will update more later on the move and stuff!