Monday, July 16, 2007

Our Northwoods Vacation

We are back from the Northwoods! We had a good time. The editing on my blog is all messed up so I will just describe the pictures that follow! First, is Brooke in her floaty - the first time she was ever in her floaty! She wasn't sure what to think at first - but in the end, she liked it! Then we went to a Wildlife Wilderness zoo, which was totally cool. It had a free roaming petting zoo and then a different area with a deer sanctuary. We all got to pet an albino deer that was roaming around, I got to feed a bear some "bear juice", and Kevin tried to get a hold of a buck! We also took Brooke on the boat to go fishing, we relaxed, went shopping, and even did a quick local winery tour.
Now we are back and ready to move - the big "M" day is only 3 days away! It will be really exciting to move into and settle into the new house and just have one home!
In other news, as you probably have heard, my work merged with the CME - so lots of changes for me there. Probably everything will primarily stay the same until September - then we physically merge into one new building and take on our new company changes. Its a huge change - so we will see what happens.
Another quick note...Brooke got a "big girl" bath seat! And she seems to love it!

1 comment:

jenne said...

i just love brooke's grin! it looks like you guys had a fun, relaxing time. it's so beautiful up there! i'll be seeing you soon! :)