Sunday, July 1, 2007

Officially Homeowners

It's official! We own our own home!

The closing went really well - it only took an hour. The seller that was there was the wife and they sold the house because the husband had to relocate for his job. She was teary eyed as she hugged me when everything was done since they had lived in the house over 20 years and raised 3 kids there. I think she is happy they sold to a family. I am glad we bought from such nice people.

So, this weekend we spent painting up a storm. We pretty much decided to paint EVERYTHING! But we got 4 rooms completed and the ceiling and one wall in Brooke's room done. Kevin even had a chance to mow the lawn. We will spend another few days painting and cleaning and then we officially are moving on July 19th. It is all very exciting!

Brooke seems to like the house too. She helped out in her own way!

Brooke - Ready to paint!

She really likes that hammer!

She also said that the mini-blind cords tasted great!


Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for the four of you. I didn't see Maggie helping out, unless she was just outside assisting with the mowing of the lawn!

It's a wonderful feeling to know that all you're doing now is an investment towards your future; make happy moments and memories!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tricia and Kevin! Can't wait to see the new house!


jenne said...

Hooray! AND Congratulations! Brooke is a BIG helper! LOL! I can't believe you will be so close in just over a week! Craziness! I can't wait to see your home and of course, you guys! :) Good luck with everything and give me a call if you need any help with anything! Love ya'll lots!