Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, here is our official announcement post!

We are expecting another baby! Due July 1st!

It is such an exciting time! Brooke and her new sibbling will be 18 months apart. This fact scares me as I think "2 under 2"!! What were we thinking?! Brooke still doesn't even sleep through the night on most days! BUT...on the other hand - it is SO exciting. I think it will be so great have two close together.

This pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. I am feeling good. Luckily, I again, did not have major morning sickness. I just had to eat every couple of hours so I didn't get nauseous. That is better now - I don't have to eat so frequently. I was also extremely exhausted. That has largely passed now too - so I at least have some energy and can stay up past 9pm!

And for the record, since it is a popular question...We again, will NOT be finding out the sex of the baby. I like surprises, and so does Kevin - although I think he is also afraid to find out its another girl!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! Another baby is very exciting and them being so close won't be too bad. Mine first we 23 months apart which is still a little difference but I thought it made life easier. At least you aren't used to sleeping throught the night, that was us as well so getting up all the time didn't really matter this time around. I'm so happy for you and I wish you a easy and wonderful pregnancy!

I on the other hand feel the next 7weeks can't come fast enough, our #3 is almost here!

Deseree said...

Aww I'm so happy for you guys! I'm excited that your having another surprise. That's the best way to go.