Friday, May 11, 2007

4 month doctor appointment

This morning was Brooke's 4 month check up at the doctor. It was very emotional for both Brooke and mommy! First Brooke had a bunch of ear wax so the doctor took this long thin metal instrument and I had to hold her arms down while he cleaned out the ear wax so he could look in her ear. I have never heard her scream so bad. I thought I was going to cry and it seemed like it took him forever (although I am guessing it was really just seconds). Finally Brooke got calmed down and even just fell asleep when the nurse came in with Brooke's vaccinations - 1 taken orally and 4 shots. So, of course another crying spell - but it was still better than when the doc cleaned out her ears. The new statistics: Brooke now weighs 13 pounds, 9 ounces which drops her down into the 50 percentile. Height is 26 inches (95th percentile), and her head is 16" (28th percentile). The doctor said she is tall and thin so we may want to start giving her a little juice for some extra calories. He said we can start food now too or we can wait until she seems ready (i.e. trying to grab our food, etc.). We will probably wait a little longer, but maybe a bit before 6 months like we originally planned. Also, I had lots of questions of course! And we learned a lot. You know how you always hear (and it even says on the bottle) that you should not use sunscreen on a baby until they are 6 months old. Well, the doctor said that the FDA can't approve things for infants under 6 months so that is why it says that and that you can put sunscreen on a baby from birth. So, now I will start w/ sunscreen and not be so worried every time we are in the sun. We also learned that you can use bug spray (even 100% DEET) on an infant as long as you don't put it on their hands or feet so they don't put it directly in their mouth. The bugs aren't here yet - but its good to know for the near future.
Brooke right after her appointment.

Brooke's shot "boo boo"

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