Monday, May 14, 2007

House hunting begins...

On Saturday we met with our great realtor Karen and looked at 5 houses in Bolingbrook. Its a crazy experience - very exciting. At the same time, for my auditor mind - it is nerve-racking as all the numbers & loan amounts fly around my head.
Anyway, after looking at the first two houses, I started to get discouraged. They didn't live up to the descriptions and pictures online. The first house had major cracks in the foundation - plus the backyard was just a huge incline. Then the second was filthy and just not that impressive. Luckily it got better after that!
Out of the 5 homes, we found 2 potentials. As Kevin would say "We could live here!". There is one that we really like, but it seems almost too good to be true with the condition and price, etc. So, we will probably want to put an offer on it, but are afraid that there may be a bidding we will have to decide how much we are willing to pay if if were to come down to that.
Our first choice...
The other possibility we liked a lot too - however, it would need a lot more work before we could move in. For instance, all the carpeting needs to be replaced and all the rooms need to be painted. Plus we would need to get a fence. But we liked the set up of the house and it has a ton of storage space and lots of newer things such as the roof, windows, etc. So, depending on what happens with the other property - we would consider this one.
Potential # 2

So, yesterday was Mother's Day - my first. Its pretty surreal. I know life has ups and downs and Brooke won't always be a perfect child, but I will always love her more than anything. And I can't imagine anything more rewarding than being a mommy.

Yesterday, we had brunch at the Renaissance Center and then went over to Kevin's aunt & uncle's house in the afternoon for his grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary (isn't that amazing!). It was a beautiful day all around.

Some pictures from the brunch...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it Tis!